Friday, 24 February 2012

Research Experiment - Drafting

Since my last correspondance, I have decided it would be interesting to do some research to find out if my approach really is as subjective and linear as it may seem. I have put out an advert on my Facebook page to try and gather some of my more artistically minded friends to help me determine whether or not my current approach to the project works.

Here is the specifications;

1. One review will be chosen by myself and given to 3-5 participants in confidence; none will know each other/be able to compare work.
2. The approach can be anything the participant likes; a collage, like mine, or a hand rendered sketch. Nothing too time consuming.
3. All final pieces must be a 600x600 image file, preferably PNG to maintain consistency with the rest of the work.

Since putting the advert up, I have had a positive response; my brother, Josh, a current first year Graphic Design student here at UWE, has said he will try to help if time permits. His housemate, Alex, has said he is interested in hand-drawing a piece.

Nick Alden, one of my coursemates, has said he will help also, along with one of his housemates.

Kyle Pritchard, a housemate of mine currently studying Product Design is interested, time permitting, also.

I am quite happy with the positive response; all of these volunteers got back to me within hours of putting the message up. I have an idea for which review I would like to use; there is a new record by a band called Maribel who I think could conjure up some interesting imagery. All of the work I have seen produced by each of the people I have mentioned have been to a very high quality. I don't want my project to turn into something more heavily reliant on people I know who can draw better than I can, haha. So I won't make a habit of asking for other people's help.

I will look into reviews shortly and let the participants know which I would like them to attempt. How far this experiment goes depends on the output - if they are just quick 5 minute knock ups, I will limit it to merely a blog research project, but if something greater comes of it, especially from the Design students, the artwork could feature more heavily in my final project. I think at the moment, in my head, the final project will be a collection of approaches to text translation and interpretation, as I cannot see one definitive path to follow. More on that later.

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