Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Design Revamp

Just realised I have never posted a screen shot of my reviews site for my pilot. Revisiting it has made me even more aware of how basic and unimpressive it is. I want to revamp everything to include more graphical buttons at the very least. It's too plain and boring at the moment. As well as working on my Isotype index, I will get to work on Photoshop, Dreamweaver and possibly Flash to give the site the update it sorely needs.

I am gravitating towards scrapping the 'music news' site approach entirely in favour of a simplistic linear, chronologically listed gallery approach, in order to maintain the 'up to the minute' aspect that music news websites incorporate. I want to avoid it being a static gallery such as that of an artist, because the entire nature of music reviews is its interchangability, with new releases achieving top spot within layouts etc.

I am kind of glad I revisited this work today, as I feel a lot more inspired to update it now, because it's a little embarrassing. I know I wanted to go for 'simplistic,' but there's that and then what I created. It belittles my skill as a web designer, really. I don't think I'm fantastic by any means, but looking back, this is a little embarrassing.

I still like the idea of a plain white background and basic black text, but something a little more dynamic and interactive would be preferable, such as the websites I mentioned previously. Kill Pixie's gallery amongst others. This past week has been very much research and background focused. Now I need to put all of the theory into practice.

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