Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Genre Diversity

I have had a change in plan for the experiment I posted a group for earlier: Now, I think I will assign each participant the latest reviews I can find in different genres - one in Alternative/Rock, one in Hip Hop, one in Pop, one in RnB or whatever, and I will make a corresponding image for each. So I will make 5, and each other person one each, if time permits. If they could each do two each, that would be great, so there is more variety, but I think so far, all of my pieces have been too similar from a genre perspective.

I will pick a reviews website - gravitating towards Pitchfork right now because some of their pieces can be quite controversial, and select the latest review in each genre so there is no favouritism and more of a random element. Hopefully no one would have heard the albums in question, so there will be no bias and each participant won't know what to expect. I might not even read each review myself until the links have been distributed. I think it's a better idea to include some diversity. By this time tomorrow, I would have started on my images at least. I will put together a rough sketch for a layout update before I see my tutor in the morning.

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