Sunday, 29 January 2012

Moving forth

So I've got the marks back for my pilot - pleased, I suppose, but very frustrating to be one mark off the next grade classification. I have been assured it's nothing to worry about though. The feedback is interesting; suggestions that my images may differ if I had just read the review and not heard the music (which actually is the case - I haven't translated reviews of any records I've actually heard yet, interestingly) which make me think it could be interesting to conduct some kind of poll on one of the websites I review for (such as to see if users agree that my images say the same things the reviews do. For now, it may be more viable to simply ask friends of mine, via Facebook or something similar, whether or not it works. I could conduct a small online questionnaire to gather research. Questions featured could be;

1. Have you heard the record before? Yes/No
2. How well do you think the review is written? Poorly/Okay/Well/Excellently
3. How well do you think the image replicates the review? Poorly/Okay/Well/Excellently
4. Do you think the image could work instead of the text? Yes/No

Or something similar. Nothing too tedious so it doesn't scare anyone who helps off. Just a very short one to conduct some quantative research. Another approach I could take is e-mailing around with my contacts within the industry to see if anyone will do a little interview about this concept. I have a feeling the only people willing to oblige might be those I know in the PR business rather than actual journalists though. Something to think about. So from here, I need to plan a few different approaches to try out, fine tune my current one to see if it can realise its potential, and lots of other stuff. Time to get cracking.

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