Monday, 9 April 2012


Ok, so now my project will consist of a 'gallery' format rather than being a mocked up news site. I have struggled all throughout this project with my approach, and now, after meeting with Michelle and talking over my ideas and where to go with them, I have decided to do a sort of case study of my family and see how different perspectives play a role on how we interpret creative writing. Music itself is known for being open to different interpretations, but when it comes to writing a review, the process is very similar. I am going to write a review - and I have a few records in mind - and I will have my own sources for inspiration in how I want to frame the album in question, which will be dissected and re-interpreted much in the same way the music itself is once I've written the review.

I've started looking in to writings by Hans Belting, as well as Nigel Holmes, Peter Wiebel and Bruno Latour, Komar and Melamid. Michelle's input has helped greatly. We discussed giving each subject a set of strange rules to undertake when approaching their pieces, but since the majority of my subjects don't recognise themselves as 'artists,' this may not be the best route to take.

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