Thursday, 3 May 2012


It's 11 minutes until the deadline has officially passed. With my dissertation in this Wednesday just gone (yesterday), this Independent project in today, and all of the rewriting/finetuning I have had to endure (plus three hours sleep over the course of 4 days) I can officially say thank God the ordeal is over.

I have been working absolutely nonstop for the last week, no exaggeration, and whilst I wish I could have rewritten and added a couple more things to this blog for a start, I am so glad to be able to finish writing this post, shut my eyes and sleep without the feeling of impending doom washing over me. Now all I have to hope for is that my work is good enough to be a part of the exhibition - I think after far too much to-ing and fro-ing, I got there in the end, and I'm rather proud of it all. So yeah. UWE, it's been fun.

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