Friday, 4 November 2011

Week 6

I have been searching for articles and theorists' ideas on music visualisation, and there really is not much out there, it seems. I found an interesting Youtube video, which is one of the only, if not THE only video that describes its aim as 'visualising music.' So this isn't just an accompanying video, apparently. It's a visualisation. I'm not sure what to make of it, but it's worth posting.

I also remembered about Wordle, which creates 'word clouds' if you submit some text or a URL, based on significance or frequency of use or something. I thought it would be interesting to try it with the M83 review I converted, and here is how it came out;

As you can see, it didn't really amount to much. Desert is quite large in the photo, which is a good sign considering I used the Joshua Tree as a background, but yeah. 'Album,' 'invisible' etc. don't really provide much in the way of imagery. Was just interesting to try though, I guess.

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