Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Production Schedule

After quite a lot of tedious HTML coding, here is my production schedule for this term.

Week Plan
1 Finalise draft of proposal, start background research into data visualisation.
2 Figure out what questions need to be addressed during the planning stage of project, research review styles.
3 Decide which methodology to undertake. Focus on creative aspect of writing or more of a content analysis? Further research into style; which genres bear the most fruit creatively?
4 Decide on final layout structure for website, start designing and creating the basic template. Revise proposal.
5 Research further into music visualisation. Read more on Tufte's ideas on boundaries in data realisation.
6 Think about the significance of genre - compare drafts and see which types of reviews evoke the best imagery. Further develop web site for pilot.
7 Further research all fields - put ideas into theoretical context. How does the project sit within the subject? Continue with website development and experiment with images.
8 Revisit any further required Flash/Dreamweaver techniques. Start organising web site design for submission; make sure files are rooted correctly, folders sorted.
9 Continue working on images. Are recent reviews better, or is a certain genre worth visiting in depth for better results?
10 Clean up all images made to date, start implementing them into the web layout.
11 Clean up workbook/blog. Look in to how to submit the work, start preparing the website for the final piloted version.
12 Make sure everything works; double check blog images to make sure they display correctly, burn the pilot to disc for submission, add any more relevant theoretical work to the workbook. SUBMIT THE WORK!

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