Thursday, 3 May 2012


It's 11 minutes until the deadline has officially passed. With my dissertation in this Wednesday just gone (yesterday), this Independent project in today, and all of the rewriting/finetuning I have had to endure (plus three hours sleep over the course of 4 days) I can officially say thank God the ordeal is over.

I have been working absolutely nonstop for the last week, no exaggeration, and whilst I wish I could have rewritten and added a couple more things to this blog for a start, I am so glad to be able to finish writing this post, shut my eyes and sleep without the feeling of impending doom washing over me. Now all I have to hope for is that my work is good enough to be a part of the exhibition - I think after far too much to-ing and fro-ing, I got there in the end, and I'm rather proud of it all. So yeah. UWE, it's been fun.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

My image so far

Here is my image for the reinterpretation of my review. I was inspired by the original Loveless artwork, as seen here:

But in order to correspond with my 'vision' of the album, I tried to enforce more of a feeling of the album being a dreamworld, so I merged the original photograph I took with another image I have taken of clouds. The original shots I took for editing when creating this image were this:

(Yes, I'm left handed!) and the following, which is the image that ended up being the one in my final piece;

I felt the image already shared a few of the same qualities that were brought to my attention through Loveless' artwork. For me, it was important to signify the blurring of sound, the ambiguity and indistinguishability. I feel that the image turned out pretty well, definitely capturing some of the same emotions I would get from reading rhe piece.

EDIT: Bugger, far too small for the Sideways Looks website.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Works in progress: Kezzia

Works in progress: Eilish

Here are some closeups of Eilish's painting. I really love the blend of colours in the sky and the sand;

Works in progress: Debbie

Works in progress: Steve

These are work in progress shots of Steve's drawing. Considering he claims he can't draw, I was very impressed! Neither of us can read music, so we are awaiting laughter from those who can, but it's very much a metaphorical representation of music progressing from quietness to loudness, as far as I understand it.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012


Tonight, I have been really pressing on with getting everyone's contributions submitted for website formatting. Everyone's had their colouring pencils, paints and Google on standby. It's a bit of a shame that my brother, Josh, didn't have the time to contribute a piece of his own. He's been on standby for much needed web coding advice though.